Moving from ionian to dorian March 28, 2015 No CommentHere’s the dorian mode. The diagram… …and the notes. Here are the arpeggios in the B dorian mode starting on the 6th string, 7th fret. This is a bit of a finger exercise. Take it slow. And here are the A ionian arpeggios from the last post. First, make sure that you’re comfortable playing both. Once your fingers are comfortable playing the arpeggios in each mode, moving between them is a lot easier. Going between modes The method for doing this is pretty straight ahead. Just play the first arpeggio of the A Ionian mode, the one that starts on the 6th string, 5th fret. Then move to the first arpeggio of the dorian mode. That takes you from the A major arpeggio to the B minor arpeggio. Here’s what that looks like. I’ve added a continuation of the dorian mode. The next thing to do is work on moving from A ionian to B dorian, starting on every arpeggio in A ionian. You can also start from any arpeggio in B dorian, and move to A ionian. guitarShare : Tweet ‹ Chords in scales Arpeggios in position ›