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Rhythm chunking

By chunking I mean taking a chunk out of a rhythm you’ve made, and using it as the main action.


You can create chunks from a longer rhythm, say 4 or more bars.


rhythm chunk original



Three chunks

For now, take chunks of 3 to 5 beats from this longer rhythm. Here’s a 4-beat chunk.

 rhythm chunk 1

Where did I find this chunk in the 4 bar phrase above? What beat does it start on?


Here’s another one.

rhythm chunk 2



Here’s one that doesn’t start with a rest. It’s not 4 beats long, either. Remember to experiment with different lengths.

rhythm chunk 3



Make that last chunk a strumming pattern…

rhythm chunk with chords



…or change the notes and create a riff.

rhythm chunk with brackets riff



You can also use this idea to create part of a solo.

rhythm chunk with brakets solo



So the basic idea here is to take a longer rhythm, take a chunk out of it, and then repeat that chunk to create chord progressions, riffs, and solos.  The range of possibilities is endless.  I’ll look at using this idea in a chord progression in the next post.


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